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Friday's 10 Happy Things vol. 5

I was not able to post for a couple of Fridays due to the sudden busy life. But here's a rundown of my week's 10 Happy things. 

1. Friends with Teo.

I lost communication with this man for almost 2 years and it was only late last year that we began communicating again. Due to some issues, we were not allowed to be friends on Facebook but then the other day, he personally sent a friend request to me. Yay for our friendship! We're slowly patching things up.

2. Orders online.

The reason why I have been really busy lately is because I was revamping my online shop. I had to take new photos and sell my old stocks. I'm just so happy that even though I had been idle with it for a long period of time, I was still able to get orders from former customers and even new ones.

3. Bar business progressing.

My dad and his friends are planning to buy a bar business near our home. It's slowly progressing and I'm happy for that. Because it would mean that if this business really pushes through, my parents would no longer have to go abroad again for work.

4. Watched Big Bang Theory Season 9.

Do I need to say more?

5. Got invited for an event.

I never thought I'd receive a blogger invite since I've been inactive with this blog lately. I'm just happy that through that invite too, I would finally get to see my best friend again because it will be held around her area.

6. My post to be put in a magazine.

I was contacted by someone from the company and asked me if I could give them permission to post my article in the magazine they are currently producing. Of course I said yes! Who would let this opportunity pass by, right?

7. Chat with Jomar.

A friend contacted me earlier (literally), that's why I'm publishing this post late. LOL. It's been a while since I spoke with him and it feels good to talk with batch mates who actually remembers you.

8. Good feedback.

After the orders I had this month, I received a couple of good feedback from the new customers. It just feels good to know that the customer is happy with the service I provided and with the product they purchased.

9. New Likes in Facebook.

I don't get to check my page that often now but when I visited the other day, I found that I actually had new likes! That made me really happy because to me, it means that those people wants to be updated with whatever I will be sharing.

10. Been productive this week.

Even though I've been really busy and tired lately, I'm happy to realize that I had been very productive. Looking back on my BDJ planner, it's amazing to see how much things I have crossed out. I feel like a real adult now. LOL.


Let's connect and be friends!


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